Manually add new users

How to manually add new Campus ID users to InsideLaw and LawMedia. Separate instructions are used to add existing users to sub-sites. Users without Campus IDs are to be discouraged on InsideLaw as this presents security risks to the FERPA-protected data therein. Other CoL WordPress instances are less likely to have FERPA data, so a… Read more »

Custom content and taxonomy

Custom post types (such as “externship”) are created by CCTM Custom taxa are created with the WCK – Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Creator[1] A few hard-learned points: for publish/edit/delete capabilities, on the CCTM “Advanced” tab, set only the “Capability Type” as a singular noun name and do not check “Map Meta Cap” or… Read more »

show_content at scheduled times

Schedule to show_content shortcode NOTE: BUG – causes a 502 Bad Gateway error (PHP SIGSEGV – core dumped) error is embedded within an Events Manager Pro page. Allows a section of a page to be shown on the web site only during a specified time period. Note that entire posts can be scheduled to appear with… Read more »

Web Alerts from

NOTE: 3/10/2015 – Found that the University has re-configured their server to deny access to the cached notification page: “Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access /wp-content/cache/rave-alert/index.html on this server.” Disabled the cron job – no time for such games. {ead} Notices that are displayed on are retrieved (once every 2 minutes), cached, and… Read more »


login_jump[2] is used to redirect to and log in the WordPress user into Contentor/agora Usage: [login_jump url=””] The script adds the WordPress username and a “token” hash code that is good for 1 minute (technically it is good for 3 minutes in case the two server’s clocks are off by up to a minute.)… Read more »

Gallery shortcode

The [gallery] shortcode allows you to embed thumbnail images and captions that link to other pages. See also “The WordPress Gallery” The easiest way to implement a gallery is to insert the shortcode, [gallery] into the page, and then save the page. The WYSIWYG editor will then show a box with “No items found” Clicking… Read more »

Course Catalog Tie-in

Details gleaned from Cory’s plugin at: Test page: Pulls JSON data from:  List of all courses in catalog at:  Test script: <?php   $cnt = json_decode(file_get_contents(‘’), true);     foreach ($cnt as $elem => $val) {           echo $val[’subject’] . ‘ ‘ . $val[’course_number’] . ‘ – ‘ . $val[’title’] …. Read more »


Accordion short codes (updated 3/28/14)[1] Use: [accordion][item title=”title1″] tab content [/item][item title=”title2″] another content tab [/item][/accordion] In the editor drop-down selector, “Accordion group” and “Accordion item” are under category “layout” “Accordion group” puts in the [accordion][/accordion] tags “Accordion item” puts in the [item title=”title1″] tab content [/item] content You can embed more than one group per page,… Read more »

Other miscellaneous sites

Perhaps merge into our WordPress instances?  – to insidelaw (?/technology?) – merge to law? and combine – basically nothing but Class Actions to – now redirects to law Bleckley Inn of Court (oops, broken as of 2/25/15) – Cunningham (?move to his site?) Phase 2 (?) – needs “keepers” selected and… Read more »

Intranet communications

For setting up a communication system on Insidelaw, I cannot find the type of communications plugin that I am envisioning. It’s really simple, so I can’t understand why it doesn’t exist. There are some “private messaging” plugins, but none are quite right. Simply put, users would be able to submit a post where they designate which… Read more »