November 15, 2014 - How to, Tech-Admin

How to manually add new Campus ID users to InsideLaw and LawMedia.

Separate instructions are used to add existing users to sub-sites.

Users without Campus IDs are to be discouraged on InsideLaw as this presents security risks to the FERPA-protected data therein. Other CoL WordPress instances are less likely to have FERPA data, so a lower level of security is needed and local logins are more acceptable.

Note that students and most faculty will be automatically added soon after they appear in the Banner pull data.

Users with Campus IDs must be entered by admins via the Dashboard "Network Admin" "Users" menu:

Screenshot from 2014-08-07 12:14:41.png

Instead of using the "Add New," use the "Add Dir Auth User" in the left nav

Screenshot from 2014-08-07 12:17:47.png

Enter their Campus ID and select sites and roles.

If the Campus ID system identifies them, they are added. If they are not yet in the Campus ID systems, you will get the error:

Directory Authentication Error:

  • Directory authentication initially succeeded, but no valid profile was found ("get entries" procedure). [(uid=testtest)]

Now that they are in the system as a user, you must add them to the appropriate group(s). Return to the appropriate site(s) and edit their profile via the "Users" list. Near the bottom of the profile edit screen, an admin has a "Groups" selector box where the appropriate groups can be selected:

Screenshot from 2014-08-07 12:23:18.png

We are still determining the best mix of groups to have on InsideLaw. Some of the groups will be setup to allow "read" access (e.g. Faculty, Staff, Student), while other groups are primarily for delivery of group newsletters (e.g. 1styears, 2ndyears, etc).

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