Moving forward – future plans – To Do

Thoughts, ideas, musings, about where to go,services to provide, ways to meet the College’s needs. Exam Number Lookup not sure how this is done now… (11/2018) CSV imports Formerly-used user-import process used the Import Users from CSV  plugin which was Last Updated: 2013-3-14 (as of 5/25/15) Still need a plugin for populating user meta data – possibly Import users from… Read more »


The law proxy server runs EZproxy – was upgraded to version 6.4.4 in Sep 2018. The authentication is done via the 192.168.172.x internal network to a script on InsideLaw (/var/www/proxy_auth.php) which validates the username/password via Campus ID LDAP and insures that they are an active user in the WordPress user database. There is also a custom PHP… Read more »

BuddyPress Notes

Purging old data Neeed to check the `insidelaw`.`banner`.`admin` `item`=’last_update_201508′ and delete users/classes/etc that have were last updated before that time. Classes (ref: for 201505, `insidelaw`.`banner`.`class` `id`=’12221′ is a cancelled class, last updated on May 1.) Students: (ref: all `insidelaw`.`banner`.`class_rolls` where `semester`=’201505′ and `updated` < 2015-05-20) Faculty Support Adding faculty support to every class would be awkward and does… Read more »


InsideLaw authenticates with Campus ID via LDAP, using the wdDirAuth plugin. See more info at LDAP / Campus ID Login. To use InsideLaw and/or LawMedia as a College-limited authentication system, we may be implementing WP OAuth Server (more info). Hacked WP OAuth Server plugin to support our directory user accounts come from LDAP. We will likely be using EZproxy… Read more »

Email via Mandrill

Outbound email Mandrill will be used for outbound email from CoL Intranet servers (InsideLaw, et al). The WP Mandrill plugin replaces the wp_mail() internal function that should allow all well-behaved functions to send mail via Mandrill. In addition, the server’s sSMTP  can send via Mandrill to accommodate ill-behaved WP plugins and to service WebMin, cron,… Read more »

BuddyPress Course Web Pages

BuddyPress was abandoned and is not installed on the latest (2018) InsideLaw Some useful history of how the system was put together – and notes about gathered information Attachments to courses We use BuddyPress Docs plugin to add attachments to group/course web pages. The menu item was renamed to “Files/Notes/Docs” to signify the multiple uses of… Read more »

WordPress security

Restricting access to pages / documents on InsideLaw We use the “Groups” plugin to restrict access to materials on a page-by-page basis. The “Access Restrictions” box in the upper right of the admin edit page allows selection of groups to have access. Leaving the box blank allows open access. The menus only show pages that… Read more »

Development Best Practices

Documentation For ease in searching using WordPress’ built-in search, Documentation for system end users (editors, staff, faculty) should be located here in the /documentation site. The separate site avoid cluttering the main site with irrelevant results Editors should be made aware of the /documentation site Most content will go into “posts” especially if there are… Read more »

Booking Calendar

Implemented with a 5-site “Business Small” version of WP Booking Calendar Currently have instances on the main InsideLaw site Site Rooms included main InsideLaw site Park Pl Classrooms, meeting rooms, etc. Conference sub-site Conference center rooms (Capacity info missing as June 16)  /clinincrooms/  Meeting rooms shared by the clinics /conferencerooms/ /arbitration/ Arbitration Center   Get… Read more »

Groups Newsletter

Can send mass email to designated Groups using the Groups Newsletter plugin – probably only cohorts (1L, 2L, 3L, students, faculty, staff). NOTE: WordPress user accounts will NOT subscribe to the newsletters automatically. And the Groups plugin will only work on the subscribed users. A shortcode [force_groups_newsletter_subscription] was created for updating user newsletter subscription in bulk. Need… Read more »