November 4, 2018 - Development

Thoughts, ideas, musings, about where to go,services to provide, ways to meet the College's needs.

Exam Number Lookup

not sure how this is done now... (11/2018)

CSV imports

Formerly-used user-import process used the Import Users from CSV  plugin which was Last Updated: 2013-3-14 (as of 5/25/15)

Still need a plugin for populating user meta data - possibly Import users from CSV with meta or Import User Meta Data from CSV - need to evaluate and select...

Reconsidering Webmin

Has provided great service, but as it runs in Perl, has a flaky Java file manager, the new kid on the block is worth a look: Ajenti - new HTML file manager works great.


Posting content

Post by Email  (part of Jetpack)is a way of publishing posts on your blog using your email. Any email client can be used to send the email, allowing you to publish quickly and easily from devices such as cell phones if you don’t have the WordPress mobile app installed.

Retrieving / Distributing content

WordPress pages can be generated that are distributed using Groups Newsletter, front page announcement posts, and *maybe* text message links (see below) to the page on InsideLaw.

Text messages

Have not yet found a good plugin, most likely will use a service such as

Form Attachments

Have added a "add_filter" in the theme functions.php file to place the uploaded form attachments into a /formidable/page-slug sub-folder. Need a hook or cron to also add the "data_viewer" Groups protection as well as add the "form-attachments" category. Those folders have link protection (minimal security). Additional security could be to add a random element to the upload folder or to add some form of password protection.


"To Do"s

  • There are *lots* of videos and photos on LawMedia (stored on the NAS - now not accessible via InsideLaw, where LawMedia has been overlaid) that need to be put into the media library via the "Add from server" function, and given tags/categories for later use.LawMedia needs to be arranged, cataloged and organized. The video collection needs some direction, as to what to keep and how to organize. There are quite a few duplicate videos.Quite a few Miller Lecture VHS tapes were ripped to .mpg files and are uploaded in LawMedia/wp-content/uploads/apple/video_archive/miller - many of these are still raw and need to be edited to clip the beginning and end. Videos can be pulled into the Media Archive via the "Add from server" plugin. The descriptions for many can be found in the news archive at (search for "miller")


More elsewhere

See more "To Do"s:

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