Hello from the Event Services Team!
You can request space in 85 Park Place via the Online Event Management System. When completing your request/reservation, you will have the option to request additional services and equipment such as extra tables, easels, microphones or other audio/visual equipment. All requests for additional services must be made at least 48 hours in advance and are subject to availability. You can edit, update or cancel any submitted request at any point via the 'View My Requests' section of the site.
Make an EMS Reservation
Contact lawevents@gsu.edu or 404-413-9280 for assistance. | |
Resources | Regular Building Hours
Technology & Troubleshooting
All audio/visual requests should be included in your room request/reservation you’ve made via the Online Event Management System. For help or technology assistance before during or after your event, you can contact the GSU Law Help Desk at 404-413-9111.
If you need assistance on how to create an account in EMS or a reservation, we have created some short how-to videos. You can access those here.
Parking request for the V-Lot can be submitted as part of your room reservation via the Online Event Management System. You may also submit a request via the GSU College of Law V-Lot Request form for parking needs not associated with an event.
Parking in all other lots must be arranged in advance directly with GSU Parking by submitting a Visitor Parking Request or contacting that office directly at 404-413-9500.
Marketing Your Event
Marketing Your Event1. Make an EMS Room Reservation
2. Add your event to calendar.gsu.eduContact lawevents@gsu.edu or 404-413-9280 for assistance. Resource: GSU Law Calendar
Calendar Stock Event Images
3. Submit Event Promotional Digital SignageEmail lawcommunications@gsu.edu for assistance. Send your finalized event promotional digital signage to lawcommunications@gsu.edu. Event Digital Signage Templates
4. Submit a blog post if you want to promote your event in the weekly newsletter BEFORE the week of your event.Email lawcommunications@gsu.edu for assistance. Resource: law.gsu.edu/blog-submission
5. Display Welcome Digital Signage on the day of your eventLaw Events Help: lawevents@gsu.edu or 404-413-9280 Law Technology Help: lawhelp@gsu.edu or 404-413-9111 Make sure your EMS Room Reservation includes a request to use audio/visual equipment if you want to display a welcome digital sign. Welcome Digital Signage
Need Additional help?Law Events Help: lawevents@gsu.edu or 404-413-9280 Law Technology Help: lawhelp@gsu.edu or 404-413-9111 Marketing Help If your event is at least 6 weeks away, email lawcommunications@gsu.edu for assistance with:
After your Event
You are also responsible for cleaning up trash and food after your event. If trash bins are full, you may contact Housekeeping at 404-413-0600.
The full policy guide for Events and Conferences at 85 Park Place can be found via the Knowles Center website. Additional questions can also be sent via email to lawevents@gsu.edu or over the phone at 404-413-9280.