Used to create a confirmation screen that allows a visitor to proceed to the TouchNet payment system. The system can use a custom Formidable "View" or will use a default generic view.
The Form "TouchNet payment button setup values" will (eventually) give a third option for passing in Payment Confirmation screen parameters, but for now, custom views and/or passed-in values will be used.
See the end-user instruction for creating a form and/or view.
The shortcode attributes can pass in any value that is contained in the confirmation form view, so the tag:
[touchnet_pay due=700]
Would replace the "[due]" placeholder in the view with "700". Note that the passed-in attributes are processed first, and since the placeholders are removed and replaced with the passed-in values, any other values (i.e. from the submitted data) cannot be placed into the view.
Tech docs
In the "View" paramenter, "frm_key" is the "Form Key" assigned in building the form. The whole parameter is the field key of the corresponding field.
"View" parameter | TouchNet "Post" parameter | decsription |
frm_key_name | BILL_NAME | Used to pass the billing name. |
frm_key_email | BILL_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Used to pass the billing email address. |
frm_key_address | BILL_STREET1 | Used to pass the billing street address 1. |
frm_key_address2 | BILL_STREET2 | Used to pass the billing street address 2. |
frm_key_city | BILL_CITY | Used to pass the billing city. |
frm_key_state | BILL_STATE | Used to pass the billing state. |
frm_key_zip | BILL_POSTAL_CODE | Used to pass the billing postal code. |
frm_key_country | BILL_COUNTRY | Used to pass the billing country. |
form_key (internal pre-set) | EXT_TRANS_ID | Used as a cross reference between the external site and a uPay site. |
frm_key_label | EXT_TRANS_ID_LABEL | Used to describe the EXT_TRANS_ID value on the payment receipt. |
{calculated from "frm_key_total" - "frm_key_payment"} |
AMT | Used to pass the amount to be paid. |
frm_key_upay_id* | UPAY_SITE_ID | Used to select the uPay site. |
frm_key_{item}_cost | For an itemized list of charges | |
frm_key_{item}_qty | To specify the quantity of the "item" ordered | |
frm_key_discount | *** Not yet implemented - possible future feature | If zero or not set, no discount If contains "%" then a percentage off otherwise, a dollars off discount |
page_title | The title, same as the form "Build" title (usually displayed in <h3> tag) | |
reg_link_class | Used to hide the "Back" link if there is no link (set to 'frm-hide' or 'frm-show') | |
reg_page | URL of registration page, defaults to referrer if current host (see more below) | |
go_back | Text of link to go back to registration page, defaults to "Go back to the registration page" | |
url | payment site address |
* Note: The UPAY_SITE_ID can be set in the form if the default confirmation view is used, or it can be set in the shortcode as a "upay_id" attribute or in the custom view conformation screen.
The Formidable object $frm_entry->getOne($key, true); is used to retrieve the submission, with a similar fetch to get the "template" to display the amount owed, the button that sends the info to the correct uPay site, etc.
Calculating values
Formidable has the ability to calculate values for form fields. It is recommended that this feature be used to calculate the amount for the "total" field. The total can be calculated by the [touchnet_pay] shortcode by using attributes or View fields that have form field keys ("View" parameter, above) that contain the following:
- *_cost - the cost of an item/option
- *_qty - how many of the item/option
- *_total - the total amount of the transaction
- *_payment - how much has already been received
- due - the balance owed
- *_discount is reserved for future use. For now, discounts can be calculated within Formidable.
reg_page link
A link back to the registration page can be generated automatically, only if the payment confirmation screen is reached from a page on InsideLaw. Since links to the payment confirmation screen might be from email, etc., there may be cases where the reg_page needs to be set in the View or the submitted data. If the page linked from is on InsideLaw, placeholder "[reg_link_class]" will be set to "frm-show" otherwise will be set to "frm-hide". See Display Control, below.
Display Control
Elements of your Payment Confirmation screen can be hidden on the screen or printed version using the following CSS classes:
- frm-show - normal display (inherits visibility from "parent" element)
- frm-hide - not shown at all (for "go back" links)
- frm-printonly - to only show if printed
- frm-noprint - to show only on screen, but not printouts
- frm-lbl - right-justified, bold
- frm-number - right-justified (script attempts to format numbers as currency)
The CSS is inserted by the [touchnet_pay] shortcode itself.
So far, I cannot figure out a way for a person who is not logged in to return to their original form and edit/add/remove. The [allow_form_edit] shortcode allows for non-loggedin users to edit previous entries with teh use of an entry key.
In order to invite users back to update a previously filled form. We need a way to send out mass emails with user specific entry keys.
The 'Return to registration page' button doesn't work if the user isn't logged in. Had to use JavaScript instead in those circumstance.
Security is by obscurity
The Shortcodes UI PHP script must block all-numeric keys, as the $frm_entry->getOne($key, true); function will accept either the (random alpha-numeric) key or the (serial numeric) ID - leaving it much easier to snoop into other's orders/registrations. As far as I can tell, the "key" always contains alpha characters and is 6+ characters long (around 2 billion possible). Assuming there are 15,000 registration on file, the odds of randomly revealing one is about 145,000 to one, meaning that someone would need to try about 70,000 times to have a 50:50 chance of revealing one record. These are conservative, worst-case scenario numbers - in practice, the keys are often more than 6 characters long and we will likely never have as many as 15k entries on file at any given time.
In addition to avoiding the easy-to-guess serial numeric IDs, the $_GET['entry'] must be sanitized in general:
$key = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['entry'] ); if ( ctype_digit( $key ) ) { // don't allow purely numeric keys $key = ''; $_GET['entry'] = ''; }
For a simple form, the output of "getOne" (important fields only shown) looks something like:
stdClass Object ( [id] => 3219 [item_key] => qox9gl [name] => ABAC [description] => a:2:{s:7:"browser";s:105:"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux ...Safari/537.36";s:8:"referrer";s:40:" ";} [ip] => [form_id] => 23 [post_id] => 0 [user_id] => 2 ... [form_name] => SIPJF School [form_key] => 31a5nf [metas] => Array ( [jsm8uq] => ABAC [rqrr1q] => 8 [p7nkx2] => 25 [sipjf_sch_total] => 200 [yy4v4q] => 2 ) )
The [form_key] value is used to fetch the "template" - e.g. $frm_entry->getOne($form_key, true);
Want to be able to specify all the parameters on our system, via post variables as follows:
TouchNet "Post" parameter | Function | ||
CONTINUE_LINK_TEXT | Used to pass the text for the continue link. | ||
SUCCESS_LINK | Used to pass a new url for the success link. | ||
SUCCESS_LINK_TEXT | Used to pass the text for the success link. | ||
ERROR_LINK | Used to pass a new url for the error link. | ||
ERROR_LINK_TEXT | Used to pass the text for the error link. | ||
CANCEL_LINK | Used to pass a new url for the cancel button. | ||
CANCEL_LINK_TEXT | Used to pass the text for the success button. | ||
DEBIT_ACCT_CODE | Used to pass an override value for the debit accounting code (which is configured in Payment Gateway as the Host Payment Method ID).
CREDIT_ACCT_AMT | If passing multiple accounting codes, used to pass the amount that associated to the corresponding credit account code (CREDIT_ACCT_CODE). Must have a corresponding credit account code (Example: CREDIT_ACCT_CODE). Additional credit account amounts may be passed using the same naming convention (Example: CREDIT_ACCT_AMT_2). | ||
CREDIT_ACCT_CODE | Overrides the uPay accounting code set at the site level. Must be populated if multiple account codes are passed. | ||
CREDIT_ACCT_AMT_2 | If passing multiple accounting codes, used to pass the amount that associated to the corresponding credit account code (CREDIT_ACCT_CODE_2). Must have a corresponding credit account code (Example: CREDIT_ACCT_CODE_2). Additional credit account amounts may be passed using the same naming convention (Example: CREDIT_ACCT_AMT_3). | ||
CREDIT_ACCT_CODE_2 | If passing multiple accounting codes, used to pass additional accounting codes. Must have a corresponding amount (Example: CREDIT_ACCT_AMT_2). Additional credit account codes may be passed using the same naming convention (Example: CREDIT_ACCT_CODE_3). | ||
ADD_ON_OFFER_CREDIT_ACCT_CODE | Used to pass an override value for the Additional Donation accounting code (only used if Additional Donation is enabled). |
Change Log
July 8, 2015 added a 'start a new registration' button. (Edited both default generic view and shortcode)