The editor has a drop-down box to apply certain styles to the currently-selected text in the editor.
"Grid boxes"
We have a separate style sheet "sub set" for styles available to the WYSIWYG editor - editor-style.css - here’s where we implement a WYSIWYG "replacement" for the [grid] shortcode. This allows for less flexibility, but an easier time for editors to see how the page will appear.
By Default, the WYSIWYG editor has the following editor-selectable styles:
- aligncenter
- alignleft
- alignright
- wp-caption
- wp-caption-old
- wp-gallery
- wp-oembed
Other editor styles
Current (2/1/15) list of editor styles:
- blockquote.pull-right
- div.panel
- box-header
- a.btn
- a.btn-large
- a.btn-small
- a.btn-mini
- a.btn-primary
- a.btn-warning
- a.btn-danger
- a.btn-success
- a.btn-info
- blockquote.alignleft
- blockquote.alignright
- mceItemTable
- table.zebra
- wp-caption
- wp-caption.alignleft
- wp-caption.alignright
- wp-caption.aligncenter
- wp-caption-dt
- wp-caption-dd
Need to add:
- nowrap
- noprint
- grid_1-3 (??)
- grid_1-4 (??)