April 20, 2015 - Development, Tech-Admin


For ease in searching using WordPress' built-in search,

  • Documentation for system end users (editors, staff, faculty) should be located here in the /documentation site.
    • The separate site avoid cluttering the main site with irrelevant results
    • Editors should be made aware of the /documentation site
    • Most content will go into "posts" especially if there are to be example [shortcodes] that need to not be processed
    • Pages with sensitive information should be save as "Private" but most pages should be appropriate as "Public"
  • Documentation for our audiences (students, faculty, visitors) should be incorporated on the main site near/with the related content.
  • Internal coding documentation should be placed in the code in comments where the logic is not apparent
  • Code taken from other sources should be documented with a link to the original source

Adding new functionality

  • For simple or limited-use functions, first consideration should be for using the Shortcodes UI plugin
  • For more complex functions, preference should be given to off-the-shelf plug-ins that have a wide adoption, good rating and consistent, recent updates.
  • Plugins should be "network enabled" only if it is reasonably expected that all site will use the plugin, otherwise, enable at the individual site level.

Development of new code

For development of systems in the College of Law, the best practices and coding standards are all based upon those developed for WordPress, Which can be found at:


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