Creating a new sub-site on InsideLaw takes a few minutes, but unfortunately has a few peculiarities that must be worked through. Considerations Only Super Admins can create new sites. InsideLaw only supports sub-folder sites, not sub-domains or other domains. Use the LawWP farm for other domain names. Sub-folder = Sub-domain = Insure that… Read more »
Posts Categorized: WordPress/InsideLaw
TouchNet uPay setup
To set up a TouchNet uPay site Log in to TouchNet From left nav: College of Law / uPay Sites / Add New uPay Site Accounting Settings Perform General Ledger Updates: Yes Cashier ID: TOUCHNET Select Accounting Code: Payment Settings Allow the amount to be passed in: Yes Payment Amount Prompt: Total due: Validation Settings Require address verification for credit card… Read more »
[schedule_jump] shortcode
Loads a form, the JavaScript jumps the form to show all LAW classes on GoSolar. [schedule_jump semester=”201508″] The destination page show all courses scheduled for the specified semester. Page with the shortcode does flash on screen briefly, as it is not a proper redirect, but rather a JavaScript “load”. Implemented in Shortcodes UI.
[touchnet_pay] shortcode
Used to create a confirmation screen that allows a visitor to proceed to the TouchNet payment system. The system can use a custom Formidable “View” or will use a default generic view. The Form “TouchNet payment button setup values” will (eventually) give a third option for passing in Payment Confirmation screen parameters, but for now,… Read more »
[allow_form_edit] shortcode (now a function!)
This shortcode is deprecated *** BUG *** For some reason, there are times when other code executes and produces output *before* the shortcode executes, resulting in a “headers already sent” error. While this has not (yet) occurred on InsideLaw (but it has errored on LawMaint and LawMedia) I have replaced this shortcode with code in… Read more »
[profile_link] shortcode
Inserts the “‘Website” link, as listed in the user’s profile. This is most useful for linking to another user, such as a student’s faculty advisor. For example, in conjunction with the [user_meta] shortcode: [user_meta]Your Faculty Advisor is: [profile_link user_id=”{$faculty_advisor_id}”][/user_meta] where “$faculty_advisor_id” is retrieved from the Student’s meta data. If the “user_id” is not specified, the… Read more »
shortlinks [goo_gl]
This has been implemented on InsideLaw. (login required) Details Uses a Google API key (on account) to create short links. It also displays a QR code generated by Google. Creates a form to make a short link for a posted “url” value. If no URL is posted, no shortlink is created. This shortcode has no… Read more »
Add existing users to subsites
Adding new users to sites should be limited to essential access – managing users that are not using CampusID should be avoided if at all possible. Existing users Go to the dashboard for the subsite, select “Users” / “Add New” Under “Add Existing User” start entering “E-mail or Username” – the user should appear in a… Read more »
SIPJF registration
The Southeastern Intellectual Property Job Fair® registrations (law schools, employers, students, PATechs) have been moved into Formidable (formerly “spliced” through the “Events RSVP” Contentor). The SIPJF admin screen links to SIPJF admin schools, SIPJF students, and SIPJF admin employers. User who are not logged in can edit their entries if they have a link with their “entry key” – this… Read more »
Lawyering Trials signup system
Each spring, the Lawyering: Advocacy / Foundations program holds mock trials in several locations over a period of about 2 weeks. Each student who is not excused for serving as a counsel/litigant in the trials must sign up as a juror or a witness. This system uses two Formidable Pro forms, also with several views… Read more »