A simple shortcode that will send the user to another page instead of showing the page in which this code is embedded. Usage: [redirect to=http://address.of.page] You can also use “url=” instead of “to=”. If used inside a [show_content] shortcode, you can schedule a page to “expire” with a redirect to a replacement page. Note that… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Shortcodes
CoL Theme shortcodes
CoL Theme Shortcodes[1] We want to avoid theme-based shortcodes.[2] The shortcodes defined in the theme are: [gallery] $args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’, ‘numberposts’ => -1, ‘post_status’ => null, ‘post_parent’ => $post->ID ); [button] ‘type’ => ‘default’, /* primary, default, info, success, danger, warning, inverse */ ‘size’ => ‘default’, /* mini, small, default, large */ ‘url’… Read more »
Buttons shortcode example – CoL Theme
The buttons are (unfortunately) defined in the CoL theme shortcode: [button type=”type” size=”size” url=”address” text=”button label text”] Since this site has all shortcodes disabled in Posts, the “live” example is on a page located at insidelaw.gsu.edu/documentation/buttons/
Video Gallery [KGVID] shortcode
Video Gallery [KGVID] shortcode From Video Embed & Thumbnail Generator Normally, this tag alone will display all videos attached to the page/post. This tag will be inserted with the “Add Media” button over the WYSIWYG editor. To further modify the way the video player works, add the following options inside the `[KGVID]` tag. These will… Read more »
Committees – Faculty
Faculty committees are places in the “committee” custom content type via the admin left nav menu entry Each committee in each year gets it’s own separate committee “page” The Title of the committee should be: Name of Committee – FY#### where #### is the 4-digit year The content of the committee “page” will be the names… Read more »
category_list shortcode
[category_list cat_type=”category”] Makes a simple, alphabetized bulleted list of all the categories of a particular type. Especially useful for custom content type categories, where a category page does not seem to be automatic… As of 9/30/14, the following custom cat_type entries are valid: audience category* committee_name committee_year division event-categories event-tags externship_category externship_semester externship_type following_users forum… Read more »
user_meta shortcode
[user_meta] shortcode Displays user meta data in a user-defined template Note that the Formidable Pro plugin also has a [user_meta] that is internal to set the default value of a field. The user metadata is stored in the “wp_usermeta” table – this is a standard WP table, but any amount of user data can be… Read more »
show_content at scheduled times
Schedule to show_content shortcode NOTE: BUG – causes a 502 Bad Gateway error (PHP SIGSEGV – core dumped) error is embedded within an Events Manager Pro page. Allows a section of a page to be shown on the web site only during a specified time period. Note that entire posts can be scheduled to appear with… Read more »
login_jump[2] is used to redirect to laws.gsu.edu and log in the WordPress user into Contentor/agora Usage: [login_jump url=”http://laws.gsu.edu/agora/index/My_WebCourses”] The script adds the WordPress username and a “token” hash code that is good for 1 minute (technically it is good for 3 minutes in case the two server’s clocks are off by up to a minute.)… Read more »
Gallery shortcode
The [gallery] shortcode allows you to embed thumbnail images and captions that link to other pages. See also “The WordPress Gallery” The easiest way to implement a gallery is to insert the shortcode, [gallery] into the page, and then save the page. The WYSIWYG editor will then show a box with “No items found” Clicking… Read more »