February 12, 2015 - Editor Tips, How to, Tech-Admin

The Advanced Post List (APL) plugin is used to make custom lists of posts/pages/etc as determined by tag, category or other criteria.

To include just one category or tag, select only that category or tag under the desired content type. The "Require Taxonomy" "Require Terms" and "Include Terms" checkboxes are not intuitive and are only needed in certain circumstances.

For requiring two or more terms, check the "Require Terms" such as "registrar_forms" below (BOTH "Registrar" AND "forms" must be checked). If that box was not checked, that shortcode would display any posts with either of the two tags selected.

In creating a new list, the APL "shortcodes" pop-up link under "List content:" is essentially helpful (literally "essential"). The shortcodes shown on that pop-up are only internal to the list plugin and are not applicable on regular pages or posts.

Existing Post Lists

(as of April 8, 2015)

Shortcode Type Criteria
[post_list name="exam_archive_list"] document tag="exam_archive"
[post_list name="student_events"] document tag="student_events"
[post_list name="faculty_meeting_minutes"] document  tag=faculty_meeting_minutes
[post_list name="registrar_forms"] document  tags = "Registrar" and "forms"
[post_list name="registrar_exams"] document  tags = "Registrar" and "exam"
[post_list name="newsletter_posts"] post  category="Newsletter"
[post_list name="ext_list"] externship "Type" = {any}
[post_list name="events_list"] events {any}  (?? not in use - use Events Manager shortcodes instead...??)
[post_list name="announcement_posts"] post category="Announcements"
[post_list name="student_posts"] post category="Students"
[post_list name="faculty_posts"] post  category="Faculty"
[post_list name="academic_advisor_lists"]  document tag="Advisors"


Tips and tricks

The internal APL shortcodes give a good bit of flexibility. A list of these is available on the edit screen, including some in pop-up windows.

Inserting an item count for CSS hiding/styling

One example is the [item_number offset="1" increment="1"] short code for showing other than the first x items. Description form the pop-up: "the list index for each page/post. Offset parameter sets start position. Increment sets the number you want to increase on each loop." more info...


The APL plugin does not support pagination, but there may be a way to do it with a [php_function name="function_name" param=""] APL shortcode hook.... more info...


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