November 25, 2014 - Editor Tips, How to

Video embeds are automatic with recent version of WordPress.

For Vimeo, YouTube, etc., just paste in the URL - WordPress takes care of the embedding.

List of compatible video embeds at:


We can also do galleries of videos with:

* For videos on same server - the "Add Media" pop-up dialogue allows selecting media for the gallery or playlist

Notes on particular video sources:

  • Vimeo - they try to force using their player, so it is difficult (but it is possible?) to get the actual mp4 URL to use in the video/gallery/KGVID shortcodes.  Embed with "" (not and the video number, e.g.
  • YouTube - also tries to prevent using our local player - embed with the URL
  • LawMedia - URL can be obtained from the media library edit screen. Just paste in the URL or use in any of the shortcodes.

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