January 28, 2015 - Data Collection, Editor Tips, How to, Shortcodes

InsideLaw uses WP RSS Aggregator to pull in headlines, faculty-in-the-news from law.gsu.edu, and a Annual Reports Archive list from readingroom.law.gsu.edu

The resulting lists are shown on the home page ("News" section), a dedicated news page and the College Documents page

This list might change over time....

The news items are updated every two hours and the Annual Reports twice per day. Items have a limit on the number of entries (news = 75) and can be archived for a set time (news is deleted once 120 days old).

Changes are made via the admin dashbaord "RSS Aggregator" menu entry.

Items aggregated are displayed using a shortcode: [wp-rss-aggregator source="7791,7793" limit="50"] is how the news page is displayed. The source ID numbers can be found by mousing over the feed names in the admin panel.

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