August 11, 2009 - General, Software, Tips

Technology drop-in sessions are set for August 18 and 19th in Room 675 so you can get help with installing university-provided software and connecting to CatChat.

Stop in at one of three technology drop-in clinics next week in Room 675.  We'll have a techie on hand to help you with installing PantherPrint, Symantec Antivirus, the Cisco VPN client, and help you with connecting to GSU's CatChat wireless network.

  • Tuesday, August 18th, 12-12:45PM
  • Wednesday, August 19th, 12-12:30PM
  • Wednesday, August 19th, 5-5:45PM

1Ls - Check the Incoming 1Ls page for more information specific to incoming students about technology at the College of Law.

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