January 3, 2012 - General, Resources and Services, Tips

Resolutions come and go, but one that seems to hang around from year to year is "get organized."
The new year brings what many of us perceive as a fresh start for doing something new, or doing something better. Sometimes we make resolutions that are wildly impractical, and sometimes we set the bar so low, it's easy to feel successful.

Maybe this year, my New Year's Resolution will be to make some resolutions with solid, goal-oriented plans of attack. (Check out Visual.ly's take on common resolutions, and the better way to achieve them.)

Although I've never really taken "new year's resolutions" very seriously, it's hard to resist the urge to think positively about the whole year ahead, and consider ways to make it as amazing as it can be. The urge is made ever greater (for me at least), by a new day planner - a blank future for new plans, new goals and lots of tiny check-boxes.

As the school year begins, consider what online tools might help you this semester. Check out the articles below to learn more about cloud-based applications, and other helpful tools for organization and time-management that might lend you a hand in 2012.

Happy New Year!

Organize Your Life with Free Online Tools (PC World)
100+ More Ways to Organize Your Life (Mashable)
Top 5 Cloud-based Tools to Help You Get Organized (EpicLaunch)



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